
1 oz butter

1 large carrot, chopped

1 medium onion, chopped

2 sticks of celery, chopped

6 oz lentil

1 pint stock

½ pint milk

salt and pepper


1) Melt butter in a large pan, add the vegetables and fry for 5 minutes

2) Add the lentils, stock, milk and seasoning, put on a lid and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour

3) Sieve or liquidise before serving.

Main Course: LANCASHIRE HOTPOT (serves 4)


1½ lb middle or best end neck of lamb

2 lambs kidneys, skinned and cored

salt & pepper

2 carrots, peeled & sliced

1 small turnip, peeled & sliced

½ lb onions, peeled & chopped

1 leek, washed & chopped

1 lb potatoes, peeled & thickly sliced

½ - 2/3 pint water or stock

1 oz butter

1) Heat oven to 170° C

2) Cut the lamb & kidneys into neat pieces. Put layers of meat & vegetables into a casserole dish, seasoning to taste

3) Finish with layer of overlapping potatoes. Pour in about ½ - 2/3 pint of water or stock, enough to come about a third of the way up the casserole. Put little dabs of butter on the potatoes. Cover casserole & cook for about 2 hours

4) When cooked, brown potatoe topping under hot grill

Dessert: MANCHESTER TART (serves 4-6)


175 g flaky pastry 50 g butter
raspberry or strawberry jam 2 eggs, separated
rind of 1 lemon 75 g caster sugar
300 ml milk 1 tablespoon brandy
50 g fresh bread crumbs caster sugar for dredging


1) Pre heat oven to 190° C

2) Roll out dough and line an 8 inch pie dish

3) Spread jam on bottom of pie

4) Put lemon rind an milk in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and pour onto the bread crumbs, and allow to stand for 5 minutes

5) Then beat in butter, egg yolks, 25 g of the sugar and the brandy

6) Pour this onto the pastry case and bake for 45 minutes

7) Whisk egg whites til stiff, then fold in the remaining sugar

8) Spread this over cooked tart, dredge with sugear, then bake a further 15 minutes until the meringue is brown

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