International Story Day
We told stories from four different countries: Mr Williams told the children about the different countries and showed them on a globe where they are situated. Australia - Louise told a story that she called "Are you my Mum?" A story about an animal who didnīt know what type of animal he was and his struggle to find out who his Mum was. She also read a poem that her Mum taught her when she was a little girl. It is called the "Bush Coach". All the animals were portrayed by hand puppets. Poland - Marek put this story together about "The not so BIG BAD WOLF". Unfortunately Marek couldnīt stay with us all day, but Karen Thurgood volunteered to become "Maria from Poland" for one day. Turkey - Ebru told a story called "My Fur Coat" about this man called Nasreddin Hoca who lived many hundred years ago in Turkey and stories about his wisdom and sence of humour has been passed down through the generations. Sweden - Mr Williams read the story about "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and I turned up on the day dressed as the old troll under the bridge. This is actually a Norwegian story, but in Scandinavia we have many stories about trolls and I heard this one often as a child. Ebruīs husband Michael had put sound effects together on his laptop and was helping us on the day, adding that little bit extra to the stories with animal noises and the sound of running water etc.